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  • Vrain, Cécile (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    La place des femmes dans les médias français est un sujet d'actualité en France. Pas une semaine ne se passe sans que le sujet soit traité d'une façon ou d'une autre : nominations, publications, pétitions, scandales... Ce ...
  • Limaj, Elona (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Language transformations in the course of the years may dictate the necessity of retranslations. Given the rapid change of languages, it is high time to consider retranslation of world literature masterpieces. As languages ...
  • Maliqi, Flora (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate students’ beliefs and attitudes about Learner Autonomy. This study was conducted in three secondary schools in Gjilan. The participants of this study were 300 students who ...
  • Muriçi, Myrteza (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    The process of globalization has gained impetus in recent years; accordingly the international law, which regulates the relations between organizations and states, has gained importance as well. Considering this development, ...
  • Pllana, Sadete; Pllana, Gani (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Nga shqyrtimi që i kemi bërë rrugëve të ndërtimit të termave bazë të mekanikës, të cilët shërbejnë vetë si elemente përbërëse të termave togfjalësh, del se një rrugë me interes të veçantë studimi është rruga semantike, ...
  • ELZEIN, Derek (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Depuis la création des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, ce pays sait que son destin ne peut être que mondial. Baigné du moralisme de ses pères fondateurs et rapidement détaché des puissances coloniales européennes, l’expansionnisme ...
  • Kazazi, Ledia (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Dystopian fiction generally evokes images and phenomena that belong to an imagined and fictionalized future. However, they derive from political or social situations belonging to the present. The exaggeration of these ...
  • Shehri, Dhurata (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The paper will try to analyze the role of a classic view, the book in the relationship between mass media and national culture. The focus of the paper will be the period 2010-2015. The paper will bring statistical data on ...
  • Dibra – Ibrahimi, Vjollca (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Shakespeare’s figure in this research paper is loomed as tangential, since his world wide dimension has already entered in the records of the world literature together with Homer, Aeschylus, Dante, Cervantes up to other ...
  • Neza, Sami (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Methodology: The paper is based on empirical research on some media companies print and online in Albania. The research includes interviews, literature on the field, observations in the market by author and some media ...
  • Demiri, Naile (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Në këtë studim do të trajtohet tema “Masakra e Tivarit në letërsinë shqipe“. Letërsia shqipe pas Luftës së Dytë Botërore është zhvilluar jashtëzakonisht shumë, krahasuar me letërsitë e popujve të tjerë, e veçantish është ...
  • Sakja, Arta (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Political parties use Public Relations - PR- as a useful tool of communication to convey messages to their supporters, especially during electoral campaigns. The main goal of political PR is utilization of media for ...
  • Bala, Alban (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Very often have Albanians blamed the international media for the bad image the country purges in the global environment. Indeed the Image of Albania is of significant importance for the overall progress of the country. But ...
  • Çela, Erlis (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Fakti që media luan një rol të rëndësishëm në angazhimin qytetar dhe pjesëmarrjen e publikut në diskutimet me interes të përbashkët, i ka intriguar vazhdimisht studiuesit e fushës së medias dhe komunikimit. Fillimisht ...
  • Gjergji, Bashkim (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Kur flitet për mediat lokale, mendoj se duhet mbajtur parasysh se çdo pretendim për nivelin dhe performancën e tyre aktuale në këtë treg të tronditur nga zhvillimet teknologjike duhet riparë në sfondin e ecurisë së ...
  • Tejeci-Murati, Hyrë (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Në Kosovë janë 82 radio dhe 21 televizione që kanë licencë deri në fund të vitit 2016. Katër radio dhe tre televizione kanë frekuencë nacionale; 14 radio dhe 12 televizione janë rajonale dhe 64 radio dhe gjashtë ...
  • Balje, Duda; Škrijelj, Hajrija; Kuljići, Redžep (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The aim of this study is to consider the presence of minority communities in Kosovo in the media, as well as other specifics related to: laws, professionalism, lack of resources, politicization and others. In Kosovo there ...
  • Izmaku, Xhevahire (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Kosovo has approximately 2 million people, the vast majority of whom are Albanians. Most of them are Muslim and speak Albanian. Serbs are the largest minority, they speak Serbian and are Orthodox Christian. Less small ...
  • Abazaj (Danglli), Griselda (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    This paper focuses on the impact that the genre of poetry had on Vladimir Nabokov's writing career. Poetry is the first step of every writer-to-be because many of them have started their writing career as a poet. While for ...
  • Ndrio Karameti, Aurora (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    This paper is focused on an analysis conducted on two levels. The Albanian media in the multiethnic Macedonia is analyzed in terms of its place in the pan-Albanian media market, which tends to exceed the boundaries that ...

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