Politics always claims to have as much media space as expected that greater media coverage has an impact on voters. However, supervising mechanisms such as IMC aim to ensure that all certified political entities are covered ...
In this research paper we will talk about small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that play a very important role in a country's economy, considering their importance in generating economic growth and ...
Searching for the image of Albanians in ancient times is the question of presented in this study, and how the image of Kosovo and Albanians can be improved today. Change of image of Albanians and Kosovo has tremendous ...
The information in the digital era has become diverse and redundant. The individual in society gets hundreds and thousands of messages in different ways and channels of communication, but at the end of the day, they remember ...
Integrated Marketing Communication presents all the forms, strategies of a business which communicates with client including direct communication and the use of different channels and forms of communication. This includes ...
Komunikimi publik i pushtetit lokal është një pikë kyçe dhe mjaft e rëndësishëme në zhvillimin e politikave të vetë pushtetit. Zhvillimi i marrëdhënieve me publikun përveç kostos më të ulët që ofron në realizimin e qëllimit ...