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  • Bala, Alban (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Very often have Albanians blamed the international media for the bad image the country purges in the global environment. Indeed the Image of Albania is of significant importance for the overall progress of the country. But ...
  • Çela, Erlis (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Fakti që media luan një rol të rëndësishëm në angazhimin qytetar dhe pjesëmarrjen e publikut në diskutimet me interes të përbashkët, i ka intriguar vazhdimisht studiuesit e fushës së medias dhe komunikimit. Fillimisht ...
  • Gjergji, Bashkim (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Kur flitet për mediat lokale, mendoj se duhet mbajtur parasysh se çdo pretendim për nivelin dhe performancën e tyre aktuale në këtë treg të tronditur nga zhvillimet teknologjike duhet riparë në sfondin e ecurisë së ...
  • Tejeci-Murati, Hyrë (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Në Kosovë janë 82 radio dhe 21 televizione që kanë licencë deri në fund të vitit 2016. Katër radio dhe tre televizione kanë frekuencë nacionale; 14 radio dhe 12 televizione janë rajonale dhe 64 radio dhe gjashtë ...
  • Balje, Duda; Škrijelj, Hajrija; Kuljići, Redžep (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The aim of this study is to consider the presence of minority communities in Kosovo in the media, as well as other specifics related to: laws, professionalism, lack of resources, politicization and others. In Kosovo there ...
  • Izmaku, Xhevahire (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Kosovo has approximately 2 million people, the vast majority of whom are Albanians. Most of them are Muslim and speak Albanian. Serbs are the largest minority, they speak Serbian and are Orthodox Christian. Less small ...
  • Abazaj (Danglli), Griselda (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    This paper focuses on the impact that the genre of poetry had on Vladimir Nabokov's writing career. Poetry is the first step of every writer-to-be because many of them have started their writing career as a poet. While for ...
  • Ndrio Karameti, Aurora (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    This paper is focused on an analysis conducted on two levels. The Albanian media in the multiethnic Macedonia is analyzed in terms of its place in the pan-Albanian media market, which tends to exceed the boundaries that ...
  • Likaj - Shaqiri, Matilda (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Në dy vitet e fundit, rrymat emigratore refugjate dhe kriza e vendeve pritëse evropiane është një temë e nxehtë sa politike aq dhe mediatike. Normalisht, media duhet të jetë transparente në paraqitjen e lajmeve ...
  • Shabani, Faton (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The internationalization of trade during the 20th century has raised the question of how such trade can be conducted in the most efficient manner. International trade historically has been subject to numerous domestic legal ...
  • Mema, Briseida (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Në një botë globale ku kanë humbur të gjithë kufijtë kohorë dhe hapësinorë, ku informacioni i shumëllojshëm ka përhumbur atë hiperlokal, kontakti i audiencave me median po bëhet gjithnjë e më shumë i personalizuar. Në ...
  • Karjagdiu, Lirak (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    This paper focuses on Fan S. Noli as the first, the most prolific and outstanding translator of English and American literary works in Albanian. In addition, this paper centers on Noli’s contribution in enriching Albanian ...
  • Hoxha, Bujar (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    The present paper shall attempt to describe, analyze and elaborate some of the communicational deficits of the children with Autism Disorders Spectrum Syndrome (ASD), seen from the semiotic viewpoint. The focus shall be ...
  • Suma, Rexhep (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Mobile technology is formatting the newspaper pages and TV screens. Now it is clearer that technology has changed the way we consume news. More than half of Internet users are informed about the latest news through social ...
  • Zajmi, Ilire (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Social media have become an arena of rapid dissemination of information, global communication, self-promotion, freedom of expression, heated debates but also a powerful tool in shaping identity. Identity is the concept ...
  • Çipuri, Ramadan (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    Operatorët audioviziv lokalë dhe rajonalë në Shqipëri, por jo vetëm, duket se po përballen me një sërë sfidash në disa drejtim. Modelet ekonomike mbi të cilat ata mbështeten, kanë bërë që oferta mediatike për publikun ...
  • Hoti, Hajdar (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Basing on the fact that Kosovo is a new state (country), with relatively new institutions, our purpose is to give our contribution in studying and investigating the security risks from the Organized Crime and Terrorism, ...
  • Erkoçi, Ilda (Kolegji AAB, 2016)
    The concept of otherness has become a cliché in the literature of post-colonial studies. But who falls into this category and how is it represented by two seemingly far-away writers like Shakespeare and Rushdie? The aim ...
  • MUSLIU, Ali (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    There is an unimpaired link between ideas of Peace Agreements and Human Rights concept. Given the breadth of human rights and its complexity this paper will introduce the reader to the scope of the Human Rights Concept and ...
  • Muka, Arben (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Albanian speaking web radios are the media units that eliminated State borders for a decade, they have passed over the limitations that newsrooms have for enlargement of broadcasting frequencies and coverage area in those ...

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