ICCMS 2015 - First International Conference on Communication and Media Studies

ICCMS 2015 - First International Conference on Communication and Media Studies


Recent Submissions

  • Zguri, Rrapo (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    A large number of scholars consider multimediality as one of the essential features of online media. Distinguishing between "multi-media" and "multiple media", most researchers define the multimediality used in online media ...
  • Zakota, Zoltan (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Nowadays Albania is facing one of its greatest challenges: joining the European Union. This attempt could be the greatest quest of the small nation from the Balkans in this century. Unfortunately, the image of the country ...
  • Zajmi, Ilire (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Social media have become an arena of rapid dissemination of information, global communication, self-promotion, freedom of expression, heated debates but also a powerful tool in shaping identity. Identity is the concept ...
  • Zahiti, Bashkim (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The right of the media in terms of its content generally includes issues related to various legal fields such as public law, civil law and criminal law. General regulation of information and public and private communication ...
  • Vrain, Cécile (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    La place des femmes dans les médias français est un sujet d'actualité en France. Pas une semaine ne se passe sans que le sujet soit traité d'une façon ou d'une autre : nominations, publications, pétitions, scandales... Ce ...
  • Tejeci, Hyrë (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The debates on the press freedom have never disappeared throughout the history of print and electronic media. However, during different periods of this history, the restrictions on press freedom have been expressed more ...
  • Tartari, Alban (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    This work will try to focus on the work and activities of Turkish traditional media in the three countries of our region, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia. These media combine two aspects of communication media: communications ...
  • Suma, Rexhep (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Mobile technology is formatting the newspaper pages and TV screens. Now it is clearer that technology has changed the way we consume news. More than half of Internet users are informed about the latest news through social ...
  • Skura, Gentiana (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Recently media has been highly focused in interfaith and religions relationships, based on the latest events in and out Albania. This issue is extremely highlighted because of the fact that Albania introduces quite a ...
  • Shkëlzeni, Nirvana (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    How we make sense of the world and how we construct meaning for ourselves in our daily environment, is one of the main reasons why people are so fascinated with the role of the media in society. This is mainly because of ...
  • Shehri, Dhurata (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The paper will try to analyze the role of a classic view, the book in the relationship between mass media and national culture. The focus of the paper will be the period 2010-2015. The paper will bring statistical data on ...
  • Senja, Emirjon (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of online portals. Initially online media were an apendix of traditional media, but recent years we see an increase in media comlpetely online. Today ...
  • Sallova, Donik; Sallova, Donik (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The formation of the nations and the creation of identities and national cultures are not only moments that are identified with historical circumstances of liberation, revival or establishment of national states. These are ...
  • Saliu, Hasan (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Countries aim to create a positive image for themselves even through propaganda exerted by state actors, being presented as a victim of aggression, in order to gain sympathy from others. One such case of being presented ...
  • Sakja, Arta (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Political parties use Public Relations - PR- as a useful tool of communication to convey messages to their supporters, especially during electoral campaigns. The main goal of political PR is utilization of media for ...
  • Rexhepi, Zija (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Presentation of different media forms changed the way of reporting and giving news and it continues to change the form day by day, by finding new ways and channels of distributing the news to the large audience. Not only ...
  • Rexhepi, Fahrush (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    The attentive study and approach of the articles and literature of the journal "Zani i Naltë", shows that, except the religious themes, it has had in its objectivity the approach to national, cultural and educational issues, ...
  • Paja, Sokol (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    During 1945-1990 the press played a significant role in the spread of atheist propaganda. The media were considered to be the instruments under the influence of the totalitarian state. The information and data broadacasted ...
  • Neza, Sami (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    Methodology: The paper is based on empirical research on some media companies print and online in Albania. The research includes interviews, literature on the field, observations in the market by author and some media ...
  • Osmani, Azem (Kolegji AAB, 2015)
    This work will focus on explaining the theoretical concepts related to media consumption in the region of Podujevo. While research data will reflect the current state of the consumption, respectively the use of products ...

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