In this paper, we deal with law and international trade (business) regulations with a special emphasis on European Union. Laws and international legal regulations regulate the international economical order or economical relations among nations. This was often widely defined to include a wider network of themes starting by the public international law of trade to the private law of the international right of trade for defined aspects of the international trade right and law of finances and international investments. Within the co-operation and international law in international trade, even European Union as one of the world leaders of the international trade compared to other powerful countries such as: USA, China, Russia, Japan etc, cannot be limited only with managing its inner issues, but also deal with economical, social and trade relations with the outer world. Therefore, I the international trade right, EU links agreements with no member countries (third countries) and other international organizations and these are very different: from treaties for wide trade co-operation or in industrial, technical, social fields, up to agreements on the trade of special productions.