Analyzing the Influence of Translators, Language, and Collaborative Learning on Academic Performance

Show simple item record Coordinator, Student 2025-03-06T13:12:44Z 2025-03-06T13:12:44Z 2025
dc.identifier.citation Coordinator, S. (2025). Analyzing the Influence of Translators, Language, and Collaborative Learning on Academic Performance. (Paper, AAB College). en_US
dc.description.abstract This research compilation from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at AAB College presents a diverse range of studies that explore language, translation, culture, and identity, offering valuable resources for students, especially those pursuing research at the master's level. Key areas of focus include the role of translators in children's literature, emphasizing their active contribution in recreating texts, and the evolution of writing systems, such as Scriptio Continua, which influences reading processes and language development. Additionally, the research delves into language's role in constructing national identity in post-conflict societies, with a focus on urban semiotic landscapes. Collaborative learning's impact on student motivation and academic performance in language classrooms is also highlighted. Other studies examine the strategic use of language in political discourse and public diplomacy, as well as specific linguistic features of the Albanian language. Overall, this collection provides insightful perspectives that encourage critical thinking and guide students in developing relevant research topics. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Kolegji AAB en_US
dc.subject Language, translation, culture, identity, education, political discourse en_US
dc.title Analyzing the Influence of Translators, Language, and Collaborative Learning on Academic Performance en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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